To those who aren’t familiar with the term impacted canines, it may well sound like some sort of clash between a pair of dogs. Or with Halloween tomorrow, maybe it’s vampire fangs that come to mind.
But those who have impacted canines know that the horrific pain and discomfort is very real. Let’s take a closer look at what impacted canines are, and the technology involved in correcting them.
Defining the term: Impacted Canines
Impacted canines is a condition in which the upper canine teeth get held up and are unable to push through the gums. Often as a result, they become difficult to chew or properly bite with.
The common causes of impacted canines include extra teeth or crowded teeth.
How common are impacted canines?
Problems with impacted canines are surprisingly common. Wisdom teeth get impacted and have trouble coming in quite often – people often have their wisdom teeth removed for this reason. Canines are the second-most frequently impacted teeth.
It’s a very real problem that also happens with children. When it still exists in adults, the canines will have fused into position, which means that pulling them out will involve first removing any extra teeth or obstructions, followed by gradually pulling them over the course of months, until they emerge and fall into proper position.
If you suffer from impacted canines, click below to speak with a board-certified oral surgeon.
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